Sönmez Çimento carries out all it’s activities within the scope of TS ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System, TS EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, TS EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System and TS EN ISO 50001 Energy Management System.
Within the scope of the management systems implemented, the company’s main objectives are to make continuous improvements reactive and proactive by making a difference with industry-leading practices, to meet the demands with high quality products with the goal of customer focus, to prevent environmental pollution and protect the environment, to prevent unnecessary usage of natural resources and energy, to reduce waste at source and recycle waste, to provide energy efficiency in the supply of energy sources, equipment, products and services, to consider and to provide employees with an environment that can continuously improve themselves, to see human resources as the best capital, to ensure safe working conditions in line with zero occupational accident and zero occupational disease targets and to protect all Sönmez Çimento employees from occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
Health Safety Policy
As Sönmez Cement, we are on our way to become an exemplary organization for the sector in occupational health and safety;
- To protect our employees, visitors and contractors from work accidents and occupational diseases by providing safe working conditions,
- To develop a health and safety culture by supporting positive health and safety behaviors in cooperation with our employees and all relevant parties,
- To increase personal awareness of our employees by ensuring the participation of employees in all decision processes, and by providing our employees with the necessary skills and competencies related to occupational health and safety,
- In order to reach the goal of zero work accident and occupational disease; to eliminate the risks arising from our operations with a proactive approach, to prevent injuries and health deteriorations in all our activities,
- To adopt ethical, legal and modern understanding in occupational health and safety plans and programs,
- To comply with legal and other conditions and standards in all business processes,
- We are committed to continuously improving the OHS management system.
Environmental Policy
By targeting sustainable development and taking approaches to minimize negative impacts on the environment in all our fields of activity, as Sönmez Çimento, we are committed to constantly developing our environmental management system,
- We are committed to complying with legislations, national and international standards, administrative regulations and sectoral obligations,
- Providing the best products and services of high quality in accordance with legal requirements within the principle of environmental protection with a life cycle and sustainable development perspective by using natural resources efficiently
- By determining environmental dimensions and performing risk analyses, to maintaining sustainability in environmental performance,
- Setting pro-active and continuous improvement targets in the works planned to be carried out,
- Preventing unnecessary use of natural resources, reducing waste at its source, working to increase the recycling and recovery of waste, preventing pollution and protecting the environment by using appropriate disposal techniques for wastes,
- Providing continuous training to our employees for achieving sustainable goals,
- Reducing fossil fuel consumption by increasing the use of alternative raw materials,
- Ensuring the participation of all our stakeholders, especially our employees, suppliers and subcontractors, in our environmental management system,
- Continuously improving our environmental management system.
Quality Policy
As Sönmez Çimento, on our way to becoming an exemplary organization in the sector by producing products that meet the requirements and expectations of our customers in accordance with the standards in force;
- We are committed to providing the best products and services of high quality, in compliance with legal regulations and standards,
- Making the necessary developments in a timely, periodic, reactive and proactive manner by making a difference with industry-leading practices,
- Seeing our human resources as our best capital by providing our employees with an environment where they can continuously develop themselves,
- Being among the world’s leading cement producers by meeting customer requests and expectations with the highest product and service quality,
- Preventing or minimizing environmental pollution, following current technologies and implementing them in our factory and ensuring sustainability,
- Ensuring that the necessary OHS activities are conducted regularly to prevent injuries and health deterioration,
- Improving our quality management system continuously.
Energy Management System Policy
As Sönmez Çimento, on our way to becoming an exemplary organization in the sector by targeting to use and preserve energy resources in the most efficient way by increasing energy consumption efficiency;
- We are committed to being strategically oriented and ensuring the continuity of the traceability of sustainable improvement through a participative management model,
- Setting and periodically reviewing our goals and objectives while planning activities to improve our energy consumption and management system,
- We are committed to providing the necessary information, resources and support to enable the realization of our energy purpose and objectives,
- Following and complying with applicable legal requirements,
- Reducing our energy consumption with the recommendations of our employees and improvement projects,
- Researching, planning, deploying, implementing and monitoring the results of new technological activities to reduce energy consumption,
- Considering energy efficiency in the procurement of energy resources, equipment, products and services,
- Prioritizing energy efficiency in activities such as new or modified facilities, equipment and hardware that will occur in the process,
- Raising awareness of our suppliers, subcontractors and visitors, in addition to training all our employees on energy sensitivity,
- Improving our energy management system continuously.